Gingerbread Composite

These composites are really fun to do with my kiddos. This digital backdrop is found at

I have some videos that will walk through the process, but a couple quick tips to keep in mind when making composites will really help!

  1. It’s much easier to create the final image if the color you photograph your subject on and the background in the digital backdrop are the same. So I used gray seamless paper to photograph the subjects and it has similar tones as the shadows in the cookie sheet.
  2. The light for this digital backdrop doesn’t have a really strong direction but sometimes they do. In every case you want to make sure the light and shadows on subject and backdrop are falling the same way. This will help a lot later in the process as your blending your subject into the final backdrop.
  3. Clipping masks will make your world a lot easier for these! These are applied in photoshop layers and they make it so that the adjustments applied only affect that layer (or your subject) and you can begin blending the coloring/saturation etc… of the subject into the digital backdrop!

Click on the Video Below to see a time Lapse of this edit 🙂




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